Sunday, July 3, 2011

Have you ever found a friend

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Have you ever found a friend
That makes your heart glow
Someone who is wonderful
You feel honored to know

Someone to laugh with perhaps even to cry
Someone whom you love no matter what they do
Someone who looks up to you when you don't know why
Someone who just seems to understand you

Someone that you think of day and night
Someone you pray for as you go to bed
Someone who shows up when the time is just right
Thoughts of them are always in your head

Someone who shares with you all your ups and downs
Someone who appears when ever there is a need
Someone you share smiles with replacing all your frowns

Friendship Love Poems Note

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If Wish was a Raindrop...I would send u Showers....
If Happiness was a Second...I would send u Hours...
If Love was Water....I would send u the Sea..

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